This New Years, take advantage of the opportunity to set some goals.

Six New Year’s Resolutions for a Fun, Fierce, and Confident 2019

With the new year right around the corner, it’s about time for all of us to think of our #NewYearNewMe goals! That’s right ladies; it’s time to come up with some New Year’s resolutions. Instead of making a bunch of goals that involve making you skinnier, smaller, or just simply taking up less space, we think your 2019 New Year’s Resolutions should be all about embracing the awesome that you are!

No, we’re not saying we should give up that gym pass just yet. Taking care of your health is important, so you gotta get those tall and curvy bods moving. However, with all the wonderful tall women’s clothing and curvy fashion available, we just think it’s officially time to embrace your beautiful bods and get out there and kick some butt this year!

Here are six New Year’s resolutions for a fun, fierce, and confident 2019.

  1.     Doubt Yourself Less

Who among us doesn’t have that little nagging voice in our head that tells us we are not worthy or not good enough? From time to time, that nagging voice is trying to get us to stay safe, so sometimes we have to listen. However, most of the time the voice in our head is just stopping us from taking the risks that make life amazing. Think: meeting the love of your life or getting that job promotion you’ve been working for.

So instead, when your brain starts going through the what ifs- what if I fail, what if I look dumb, what if I’m not good enough- flip the script! Try thinking “What if I succeed? What if I am good enough? What if that tall women’s clothing item makes me look hot as heck?” And see how that goes for you!

  1.     Make a Weekly Gratitude List

When we are constantly hustling and trying to get further in life, it gets all too easy to start obsessing about what we don’t have. “I don’t have the house that I want, I don’t have the body that I want, I don’t have enough money.” The list goes on!

While it is great to keep hustling to achieve your goals, you should also take time to stop and think about what you do have, and that might take some practice! To get your gratitude muscles moving, take some time each week to make a list of things that you are grateful for. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, it could simply be “I am grateful that I had food to eat today, I am grateful that I got time to cuddle up with my pet today”, or something along those lines. It gets easier with practice!

  1.     Try Something New

Is there something you have always want to try but thought, “I can’t do that?” It could be dancing classes, cooking classes, trying out a new tall women’s clothing item you have had your eye on for a while, or trying a new art project.

Trying something new is really intimidating, especially now that everyone can show off their craft on social media. Instead of thinking “ they are so good at that, so I cannot do it,” say “they are good at that, I want to try now!” You don’t have to be good as long as you are doing things that bring you joy.

  1.     Set Time Away From Social Media

Speaking of that comparison bug coming in and telling you that you that you aren’t good enough, where do we get these ideas from? Looking at snapshots of everyone’s best moments in life on the internet constantly! For the most part, we all just post our best moments on social media; it is pretty normal to not want to tell the whole internet when we are struggling. And there is no doubt about it, being on the internet is a part of modern life, whether it is checking work emails, paying bills, or finding a delicious recipe to try, we cannot live without the internet.

However, we don’t have to be on the internet all the time. It may seem like a crazy thought,  but it’s important to learn to live in the moment and to live in the moment we have to put the social media down every once in a while. Whether you want to set aside a day each week or a couple hours each day, there are ways that you can schedule “downtime” on your phone where you can’t open up certain apps, so you aren’t even tempted!

  1.     Spend More Time with Loved Ones

We all are constantly doing, and it can be grading on your physical and mental health. We wake up, check the news on our phones, go to the gym, go to our jobs, then come home and so many of us have side hustles or are spending time volunteering for a good cause. All of these things are fantastic!

But when we are constantly doing it can be easy to lose track for the reason we are working so hard. Set some time aside each week to spend some time with loved ones, whether it is a friend, family member, or significant other, just being with them will make you feel better and motivate you whenever you get around to getting back to your busy daily routine.

Tracking your habits can help you stay accountable when it comes to accomplishing your goals.

  1.     Make a Habit Tracker Focusing on Positive Habits

If you aren’t familiar with the popular Bullet Journal trend, just head over to Pinterest and check it out. You don’t have to get as fancy as all of those folks; maybe you are just looking for ways to add some good habits to your life to make you feel better.

Come up with a list of whatever that looks like to you–maybe it is exercising more, drinking less, or meditating. Put it on a list and put a sticker next to each day you do one of these habits. Only focus on the positive habits, though instead of what you aren’t doing. This way, it becomes a good feeling when you decide to make a choice to do something great instead of another chore to add to your list. A little positive psychology will go far!

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