It’s so easy to feel run down from our busy day-to-day lives. Often times we are so focused on going with the motions. We forget that we should constantly be bettering ourselves. Stress and procrastination can wear you down. There are so many ways to avoid burning out. Instead of wearing yourself down, start practicing healthier habits. There’s no better time than now. Here are 20 GirlBOSS habits to promote a healthier mind.
1. Make a To-Do List / Buy a Planner – Start making a To-Do list every Sunday night. You can even write one as often as every day. Be sure to rank things in order of importance. This will help you become better at prioritizing. Planners also help keep track of all your busywork. If you aren’t writing your tasks down, they can easily slip through the cracks.
2. Listen to More Podcasts – There is a podcast for EVERYTHING. Whether you’re interested in true crime, health & fitness, beauty, etc, you can find a podcast on it. Listening to podcasts makes the boring day-to-day things go by faster. Podcasts are great if you have a long commute to work, or even while you’re sitting at your desk.
3. Start Journaling – This is something that seems like a waste of time, until you start doing it. Journaling has been linked to increasing productivity, and a more positive mindset. This is a great self-care practice. TIP: Don’t know what to write about? Start by acknowledging one thing you’re grateful for everyday, write it down. You can also write about anything that made you happy during the day.
4. Stay Educated – And NOT on celebrity gossip! Keeping up with what’s going on in the world is crucial. If you haven’t hear about The Skimm yet, you need to check it out! It’s a daily newsletter sent to your email every morning. TheSkimm breaks current events down in a way that’s witty, entertaining, and easy to understand. This is a MUST-KNOW for women of all age. TIP: Subscribe HERE.
5. Keep Your Living Space Clean – We can’t stress this enough. Nothing is better than coming home to a clean place after a long day. Having an organized home reduces stress. It also leads to better organization in EVERY aspect of your life. Don’t let those dirty dishes keep piling up!
6. WAKE UP EARLY!! – Another very important habit… The day feels much less hectic when you start early. Think about all the things you can accomplish if you wake up just an hour earlier than usual. Pour that coffee and get going.
7. Avoid Opening your Phone in the Morning – We know… impossible. Try your best to jump out of bed when you hear your alarm. Nothing good comes from opening up Instagram as soon as you wake up. Trust us, you probably aren’t missing anything. We promise it will lead to a healthier mind and a brighter day. Self control ladies, you’ve got this!
8. Never Skip Breakfast – It doesn’t matter what diet you’re on, never skip breakfast! Start your day with a protein filled meal like boiled eggs, greek yogurt, bananas, etc. Think about how long your body went without eating while you were asleep. Eating breakfast is essential to boost your energy for the busy day ahead. TIP: Need some ideas? Check out this list of quick breakfast recipes.
9. Pick out a GREAT Outfit – This seems silly but it really helps. Dressing well is a HUGE confidence booster. People around you notice, you look more professional, and you feel happier. Yes those sweatpants are comfy around the house but if you’re heading to work, dress for success! You’ll thank us later when all your coworkers are complimenting your Alloy Apparel pants. 😉 Shop Tall Work Pants.
10. Exercise – Find a form of exercise that you enjoy doing. We get it, the gym isn’t for everyone. If you dread going to the gym, then try out other physical activity. Whether it’s Yoga, Hiking, Boxing, Biking, Rollerblading, or even walking. There is something for everyone. Exercise is proven to increase your happiness. Don’t skip this one!
11. Be Conscious of What You’re Eating – Your gut is connected to almost everything in your body. What you’re eating can directly effect the way you think and feel. This doesn’t mean you have to go on a crazy drastic diet. It means you should pay attention to the important things. Think twice about those fast food meals. Less sugar, more protein!
12. Create a Monthly Budget for Yourself – Being frugal is not fun! Especially when Alloy Apparel has so many SWEET sales. Get into the habit of saving. Give yourself a monthly budget for food, shopping, and other expenses. TIP: Try using the Mint App. Mint allows you to set budgets for yourself. It connects to your bank account and tracks your spending. You’ll receive alerts and notifications on your spending. It’s extremely insightful.
13. Less Phone, MORE Books – Let’s face it, most of us are addicted to our phones. Limiting your phone use is a grueling task. It’s pretty terrifying to think about all the time we waste on our cellphones! Think about all the other things you could do with that time? We recommend finding a good book instead. Get addicted to reading not social media! TIP: Here’s an awesome women’s reading list from Forbes.
14. Less Social Media – Just as we mentioned above, phones are addicting! You may not realize it but apps like Instagram / Facebook can be negatively effecting your thoughts. If you can’t get offline, spend more time on apps like LinkedIn or Pinterest. There’s a ton of informative things to read about on LinkedIn! You can also use it to network and grow your professional connections. Pinterest is another app that keeps you inspired and creative. You can find easy recipes, cool travel tips, or fun DIY crafts. TIP: Here’s how to monitor your social media usage (WARNING: it’s kinda terrifying). Go to Settings > Battery > Battery Usage > Tap any of the apps. You can see in detail how much time you’ve spent on each app in the past 24 hours or the past 7 days.
15. Try to do Something Positive for Others – Spending less time focusing on your own problems will always make you feel better. Sometimes we are so stressed because we have TOO much time to ourselves. Find time to give back to others. Selfless gestures will improve your energy. Research charities, look for one that means something to you, find time to get involved and give back.
16. Make Room for “Me Time” – It’s important to balance all the priorities in your life but also make time to breathe. Find something you love to do and set aside time for it. Allow yourself to unwind and recompose after a busy day. Everyone deserves some rest and relaxation.
17. Go to Bed Earlier – I’m sure you’ve heard this one plenty of times. It’s the oldest trick in the book, but it actually works! The necessary hours of sleep vary from person to person. However, the general rule of thumb is 7-9 hours of sleep for the average adult. TIP: Use a sleep calculator to learn more. You can build a specific sleep routine based on your schedule. Check out this sleep calculator here.
18. Make Plans to see a Positive Friend at Least Once a Week – If you have a friend, life coach, or mentor that radiates positive energy, make time to see that person! If that person lives far away, call or FaceTime them. The energy of the people around you directly effects your mood. Surrounding yourself with positive people will drastically improve your mindset.
19. Talk Less, Listen More – Become a better listener. Instead of thinking about what you have to say, let others speak. Be mindful of your listening skills. Do you listen to talk or do you listen to understand? People notice when you’re a good listener. You will build stronger connections, and people will see you as more reliable / trustworthy.
20. Watch your Words, Be Mindful, and Give Compliments – Yes, we’re women. We all gossip, complain, and rant sometimes. It’s human nature. Make an effort to be better. Try your best to speak kindly about others. Be considerate, you never know what someone else is going through. Don’t forget to speak positive words about yourself as well. Our words are powerful, use them wisely.
Do you have any healthy GirlBOSS tips? Share in the comments.
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