Your style is like your fingerprint: it’s one of a kind, babe. And it’s all yours. When you’re shopping for tall women’s clothing, nobody knows the best way to dress for your body type better than Y-O-U. That’s why we can’t stand people who tell us tall girls shouldn’t wear heels or tall girls can’t pull off shorts and skirts. Seriously, who died and made them the fashion police?
At Alloy, we champion all women and believe everyone should get to wear whatever makes them feel happy, confident, and comfortable in their bodies. Here are some tall girl fashion myths we would like to bust once and for all:
Myth: Tall Girls Shouldn’t Wear Heels
We hear this fashion myth almost as often as we get asked if we play basketball. They say tall girls shouldn’t wear high heels because — gasp! — it will make us look taller! But let’s be real. There’s a good chance you’re already the tallest babe in the room wherever you go, so would a few extra inches really matter?
When you’re shopping for tall women’s clothing and a gorgeous pair of pumps catches your eye, we say get ‘em, girl! Pairing shorts and skirts with heels or platforms is a classic sexy look. Don’t deny yourself that just because some myth says so.
Myth: Tall Women Shouldn’t Wear Shorts and Skirts
Like most fashion “rules” that tell women what not to wear, we’re pretty sure this one was invented by someone feeling insecure about their own body. Or maybe this one goes back to boarding school days and nuns who measured your skirts with a ruler. Whatever the case, it’s bogus. You absolutely should wear shorts and skirts (that is if you want to).
The so-called logic behind this myth is that when you’ve got long legs, shorts and skirts will show off too much skin. Well, we don’t believe that. At Alloy, our selection of tall women’s clothing includes a variety of cute shorts and skirts made just for tall girls like you.
Myth: Tall Girls Can’t Wear Crop Tops
People say tall women can’t wear crop tops. Oh yeah? Just watch us. Bearing a little midriff is a cute, flirty look for the beach or festival season that shouldn’t be exclusive for shorter girls. Besides, when stores don’t carry tall women’s clothing, a lot of t-shirts end up being crop tops by default.
We love to pair crop tops with high-waisted pants, skirts, shorts or skinny jeans. You can also create a more elevated style by layering with a shawl or a long sweater. Saying tall women can’t wear crop tops is just another myth we’re more than happy to bust at Alloy.
Myth: Tall Women Can’t Pull Off a Turtleneck
A staple of 80s fashion, turtlenecks have made a comeback in recent years as a must-have wardrobe basic. They’re versatile, stylish and practical — for fall weather, nothing beats a turtleneck for keeping your neck warm.
But tall babes are often told we shouldn’t wear them because they supposedly make our torsos look too long. If you want to wear a turtleneck, we say do it! Consider wearing turtlenecks tucked into slacks or jeans and accessorize with a fun belt.
Myth: Tall Girls Shouldn’t Wear Capris
This one really makes us scratch our heads. Certain fashionistas — who are obviously well below 5’9” — caution tall women against wearing capris. Of all the arbitrary rules we’ve heard, this one really doesn’t make sense.
Capris are kind of like crop tops. Unless you’re specifically buying tall women’s clothes from a store like Alloy, you’re going to encounter a lot of pants that already show off some ankle. Capris are meant to be short, anyway. If they’re even shorter on you, so what? Just accessorize with some colorful socks or let your ankles be free.
Myth: Tall Women Look “Mannish” Unless They Wear Girly Clothes
Some say that tall women should avoid androgynous looks and stick to feminine apparel. They say loose, boxy shirts or slacks make us look too “mannish.” We say you do you! Men don’t have a monopoly on height, so just being tall doesn’t make you any less of a goddess. No matter what you wear, you shine.
Besides, there are some instances where men’s clothing may be a better fit for your elegant long limbs. Purchasing vintage men’s button-downs and having them tailored in the midsection is one of our favorite fashion hacks. We also love pairing suspenders with shorts and skirts.
Fact: You’re Gorgeous, No Matter What You Wear
When it comes to tall women’s clothing, rules are meant to be broken, and myths are meant to be busted! Haters gonna hate, so don’t let the fashion police keep you from wearing what you want. After all, you don’t choose the tall life. The tall life chooses you.
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