tall girl problem: there's always a draft around my ankles because my jeans aren't long enough

#TallGirlProblems: My Ankles Are Cold

Being tall has its perks! You can reach the top shelf, you have a clear view at concerts, and you always get the best seat in the car (shotgun? heck yes!!) But we have to admit, this height isn’t always a blessing. Tall girl’s have problems too!

Check out this #TallGirlProblem!

tall girl problem: there's always a draft around my ankles because my jeans aren't long enough

“There’s always a draft around my ankles because my jeans aren’t long enough.” – Odez

Excuse me… but, my ankles are cold! We can all relate, Odez! Finding bottoms that are long for our legs can be challenging (until Alloy Apparel of course! *wink, wink*) Thanks for sharing, Odez!


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